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2020 New seismic lines

A new serie of seismic lines is added on the site. They are listed below.

They concern the whole Gulf of Lyon platform extending from Marseille to the East until the Pyrenean ckiffs to the South-West. They are presented year by year of acquisition and were acquired using two high resolution seismic systems: one is a minisparker, the second is a boomer type system. As specialists know, penetration and resolution of the systms are not similar.


Erratum Tesson et al 2015

Tesson et al. 2015, Marine Geology paper. Due to last minute introduction of Figure 4, mistakes appear into figure 3, figure 13 : seismic line section labels are erroneous. Figure 16 is also not correct. The modified figures are given into the ”Bibliography” section. Figure captions remain valuable.